The Live Wire is a school-sponsored publication that exists to inform the public about issues that face the Manchester Community College campus and offer students, faculty and staff a reputable source for campus information and concerns on a regular basis.

It is also dedicated to promoting diversity and unity within the community. It is a forum for the discussion of social and political topics relevant to MCC, the state, the nation and the world.

Content is objectively selected to provide a diverse array of opinions, so long as those opinions lack a clear malicious intent. In an effort to accommodate the entirety of our readership, we welcome all criticism and will incorporate it to better the content of the newspaper to the best of our ability.

We are dedicated to excellence in journalism ethics, participatory democracy and freedom of speech and the press.

For more information about the paper contact the office at 860-512-3290 or send us an email through the “Contact” page on the site.

Photo Of MCC Cougar in LiveWire Newsroom

Photo Of MCC Cougar in LiveWire Newsroom

For information about advertising either on the web site or in the print newspaper contact advisor Stephania H. Davis,